APRIL 2024...Jesus said, 'IT IS FINISHED."
“From the sixth hour darkness fell upon the land until the ninth hour.”
“The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom.”
“The earth shook; and the rocks were split.”
“Tombs opened and bodies of the saints were raised.”
“And, Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED.”
Salvation had been bought. The price of sin had been paid. Now man no longer had to the price for their sins, Jesus had paid it all. This is what Easter is all about. Our sins though they are many are covered by His blood. So, what are the facts of Easter:
- God loves. Us. “What greater love has a man than He lay down his life for him.”
- We are all sinners. None of us are righteous.
- We all deserve to die.
- Christ died for us. He loved us and died for us. He defeated death and was resurrected. He lives today and offers salvation to all.
- We can all have eternal life. It is by faith that we are saved.
- All who believe in the name of the Son of God, may know that they have eternal life.
Let’s celebrate Easter by sharing this message with our loved ones, friends, and acquaintances.
More in Harry's Blog
April 24, 2024
MAY 2024...Vacation Bible SchoolMarch 20, 2024
APRIL 2024...Jesus said, 'IT IS FINISHED."February 27, 2024
MARCH 2024...IT IS NO ACCIDENT (Act 16:9-34)