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Comunidad Cristiana Faro de Luz

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  • Lead Pastor: Dr. Fernando Argumedo
  • Physical Address: 3135 S. Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89180  | Map
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 81148, Las Vegas, NV 89180
  • Phone: 702-493-8232
  • Service Times: DOMINGOS/SUNDAYS 10:30am Escuela de la fe (ninos y adultos) School of Faith (Children & Adults) 12:00pm Servicio de Adoracion/Worship Service Santa Cena (Cada primer Domingo del mes) The Lord's Supper (every 1st Sunday of the month) MIERCOLES/WEDNESDAY: 6:30pm Excelencias biblicas (adultos) y OANSA (Ninos y Jovenes) Bible Excellences (Adults) and AWANA (Children & Youth)

Meets @ Spring Valley Baptist Church


Alumbrando Las Vegas, Nevada con la Luz de Jesús”.

Jesús les habló otra vez, diciendo: “Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida”.  Juan 8:12

 "Shining Las Vegas, Nevada with the Light of Jesus.”

 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12