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Oct. 2021...How to Treat Your Pastor...

Acts 13:2 says, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."  The call to be a pastor is a special calling.  He is responsible to lead the church as directed by God.

I have two special requests of you.  First, listen and heed his instruction.  He is here to proclaim "Thus sayeth the Lord."  When he speaks he is delivering God's message of you.  God's message is to be lived out in your lives. You are to be different, better because you came to church.  So, listen and take heed of the message.  Purpose to become Christ-like in your conduct, attitude, and actions.

Second, pay your pastor well.  The Bible says the preacher is entitled to his wage.  If you pay him well, he can serve you without worry for his family. What is well?  It is enough money to pay his bills, and care for his family.  It is enough money so that he does not have to worry about his bills.

I Thessalonians 5:12-13, God makes special commands on how to treat your pastor.  First, appreciate him.  Show him that he is important to you.  Say "Thank You" after he preaches.  Let him know that you appreciate him sharing God's Word.  Show him appreciation by cards, letters and gifts.  It is easy to become discouraged when serving God.  He needs you to recognize him in little ways to keep him doing his best.  Then on special days, celebrate.  Recognize his birthday, anniversary, and on Pastor Appreciation Sunday.

Pray for him everyday.  Satan will attack with all kinds of temptations.  Pray for God to protect him from temptation, trials, and the worries of the world.

Finally, respect and hold him in high esteem.  He is God's called man to lead you.  Speak highly of him.  Brag on your pastor, he is your defender, teacher and leader.  Invite others to come hear him preach the gospel.

The last sentence in verse 13 says, "Live in peace with one another."  Peace is always a result of Royal Law.  "Love your neighbor as yourself."