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February 2022...Powerful Prayer: Start the New Year Off Right


John Dina, a missionary in Mozambique, was bitten by a deadly green mamba snake as he walked int he bush of his country.  Dina drove himself home, a five hour drive. This his wife and a missionary doctor stayed with him that night.  He was very sick.

The next day a medical evacuation plane took him to a hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa.  They gave him huge doses of antibiotics, but did not expect him to live.  Within days Dina made a remarkable recovery.  He had no permanent.  His miraculous recovery left all the villagers amazed at his recovery.

Prayer saved Dina's life.  God's word tells us to pray in times of trouble, in times of happiness, and in times of sickness.  The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.

Each month we host a Prayer Summit at our Association office.  At our February Prayer Summit we will center on keeping the main thing, the main thing.  Praying for the lost to be saved, and the saved to be mobilized.  At the Summmit we all pray in our own language and then share a time of fellowship over food.