August 2022...Recognizing the Glory of God

God is so good to us...

He saves us from eternal punishment in a place called hell.  He forgives and forgets our sins.  He restores our righteousness.  He guides our path.  He is always there, loving us and being ever present in our lives.  We have so much to be thankful for, yet we take God for granted.  He is always there for us.

Ephesians 3:14-21 reminds us of things we should be aware of.  To begin, they have power through the Holy Spirit in the inner man.  Power in witnessing, power to live a pure life and power to have unity in spirit are all availabe when we allow God to act in our lives.

Christ dwells in our hearts through faith that is rooted and grounded in love.  It is impossible to comprehend the breadth, length, height and depth of this love that comes when we are filled up with the fullness of God.  This love surpasses all knowledge.

The glory of God is so great.  It is impossible to comprehend the power of God or to feel the presence of God without fully surrendering to Him.  He is all powerful, all knowing, and ever present in our lives.  Many of us need a fresh filling of God's love.

Please join us Friday, August 5th at 6:30pm when we have a celebration of God's greatness and rededication of our lives to God.  We meet in a Prayer Summit to pray and fellowship.  We have music, prayer and food!!